Sober up faster with
your friend, Science
Sober up faster
with your friend,
Enjoy the hang without the "over"
Add it
to your water
Shake it
like you were just doing with
your booty on the dance floor
Drink it
like you've been
your friend, Science
with your friend,
Add it
to your water
Shake it
like you were just doing with
your booty on the dance floor
Drink it
like you've been
High-five your liver
Win the Nobel Prize for making peace with your liver. Our sobriety scientists created a proprietary blend that helps accelerate the metabolism of alcohol ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase), ALDH (aldehyde dehydrogenase) and DFLV (delicious flavor). We use these smart words to support quick recovery from dumb words like, “just one more,” “let’s get pizza,” or “I texted my ex.” Most people report feeling a difference in 15-30 minutes. Thanks, Scientists!